Setting Home Location

The home location can be overwritten. Select Manage Places and then select Home.

Edit Home:
Name: Enter the preferred name.
Phone No.: Enter the preferred phone number.

Use the personal information menu to set your home location.

  1. Select Go Home and then select Yes.
  1. Select Address then select an option.
    • Select Select from Map to set home location.
    • If selecting other than Select from Map, proceed to steps 3 and 4.
  2. Select the home location.
  3. Select Save and then select Save.

The following options are available:

  • Select from Map: Sets your current location as your home location.
  • Keyword Search: Sets the home location by entering a keyword or address.
  • Category Search: Sets the home location by selecting a category.
  • Address Search: Sets the home location by entering the address.
  • Search Along Route: Sets the home location by along route.
  • Saved Places: Sets the home location by selecting a place stored in the Saved Places list.
  • Phone Number Search: Sets the home location by phone number.
  • Coordinates Search: Sets the home location by entering coordinates.
  • Recent: Sets the home location from a recently found location.
  • Downloaded Places: Sets the home location by downloaded places.

Editing Home Location

  1. Select an item to edit.
  2. Select Save.

The following options are available:

  • Name: Enters a new name for the location.
  • Address: Enters a new location.
  • Phone No.: Enters a new phone number.