Changing Settings

Models with Color Audio

Determine the warning type.

  1. From the HOME screen, press the information icon.
  2. Select Vehicle Settings. The vehicle must be in Park (P).
  3. Select Driver Assist System Setup.
  4. Select Road Departure Mitigation Setting.
  5. Select from the options.

    Normal (default): Steering control starts from inside the lane edge.

    Wide: Steering control starts from outside the lane edge.

    Warning Only: The system provides only a BRAKE message and steering wheel vibrations, but does not apply steering torque or braking.

  6. Press BACK to exit the menu.

Models with Display Audio

Determine the warning timing, or turn the system off. Use the interface dial to make selections.
  1. From the Home screen, press the Select Settings App.
  2. Select Vehicle. The vehicle must be in Park (P).
  3. Select Driver Assist System.
  4. Select Road Departure Mitigation Setting.