Adding Security with a Tether

A tether anchorage point is provided behind each rear outer seating positions. For the rear center position, the tether anchorage point is in the ceiling. If you have a child restraint system that comes with a tether but can be installed with a seat belt, the tether may be used for additional security.
  1. Locate the appropriate tether anchorage point and lift the cover.
  2. Adjust head restraint

    For outer positions: Raise the outer head restraint to its highest position, then route the tether strap between the head restraint legs. Make sure the strap is not twisted.

    For the center position: Raise the center head restraint to its highest position, open the anchor cover, then route the tether strap between the head restraint legs. Make sure the strap is not twisted.

  3. Secure the tether strap hook onto the anchor. Make sure the strap is not twisted.
  4. Tighten the tether strap as instructed by the child seat manufacturer.
Note: Always use a tether for forward facing child seats when using the seat belt or lower anchors.