Before Starting the Engine

Models with electronic gear selector

  1. Make sure the parking brake is applied.

    The electric parking brake indicator comes on for 15 seconds when you pull up the electric parking brake switch.

  2. Depress the brake pedal.
  3. Press the ENGINE START/STOP button without depressing the accelerator pedal.

Models with shift lever

  1. Make sure the parking brake is applied.

    The electric parking brake indicator comes on for 15 seconds when you pull up the electric parking brake switch.

  2. Check that the transmission is in P, then depress the brake pedal.

    Although it is possible to start the vehicle in N, it is safer to start it in P.

  3. Press the ENGINE START/STOP button without depressing the accelerator pedal.
Note: The engine is harder to start in cold weather and in thinner air found at altitudes above 8,000 feet (2,400 m). When starting the engine in cold weather, turn off all electrical accessories such as the lights, climate control system, and rear defogger in order to reduce battery drain.