
Select the category of a place (e.g., Restaurants, Gas Stations, Shopping) stored in the map database to search for the destination.

Using Voice Command
You can find a place by name by using voice commands.
From the Voice Portal screen, say Navigation.”
Say Find place” on the voice command screen, then say a category (e.g., Fast Food”).
Say a subcategory if the subcategory screen is displayed.
Say a line number of a screen (e.g., 1”).
Say Go” or “Yes” to set the route.

Downloaded Places
You can select downloaded places via HondaLink®.
Downloaded Places will be grayed out when registered information is absent.

Phone Number
To use this function, it is necessary to turn on the online services.

Finding a Location by Category

  1. Select a category.
    • If you select other than Categories, proceed to step 3.
  1. Select a subcategory.
  1. Select a place name from the list.
  2. Select Go to set the route to your destination.